The Beneficence of Maleficent

There’s some good in everyone, definitely, and if you doubt the scriptures or yourself, perhaps Disney’s remake of the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” movie titled Maleficent might help… Cast on the premise of an oxymoron; a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction, the beneficence of Maleficent, was the unbelievable twist to this movie which starred famous actress Angelina Jolie as Maleficent and at her best. Displayed as an evil and bitter witch, the two hornlike projections on her head gave her a frightening look. She did not smile much, she was full of gall, surly, and everything around her sullen.

But beneath this horror was a reason; Betrayal. Being betrayed by her young found love; a peasant boy she met, terrified in the woods many years ago. His ambitions offered his conscience no room for candor, and this peasant boy [now vying to be king] betrayed Maleficent – the love of his life. The painful experience having brewed a fountain of bitterness in her, made her vow never to be amiable or lovely again. Dimming the beams of joy within her, the once buoyant lady became Maleficent – dark, evil and gloomy.

Vengefully she took captive her betrayers daughter as a retribution to harm her for the treachery and pain he caused her. And wouldn’t we all love to hit that person back or make them suffer like they made us? But then, a vicious cycle of bitterness will ensue. Paradoxically, beneficence (goodness) began to grow in her even in the midst of the greatest bitterness – and that is my message for you today; “There’s some Beneficence in everybody’s Maleficence.”

There’s some good in everyone, even in your worst bitterness. And like Maleficent, beneath that horror there may be a story of hurt, abuse, pain, mistrust, and wrongdoing by those you trusted most, by those you loved the most, and that’s what makes it so painful. But like her, in the midst of the revenge, she found a small glow of goodness still in her heart, and I believe you still have yours. It was there before the pain came, it was there before the bitterness formed, and if you will let God touch your heart with His love again, the pain will give way and a beam of goodness will emerge.

Release those petals of beneficence, push away the thorns of pain and bitterness, they only hurt us more. While letting go may not make you best friends again, it sure does give you a clear horizon to sail on with all goodness and peace. Go ahead, let it go, forgive, lose the pain, there’s some good in you. There’s definitely an oxymoronic show of beneficence in that maleficent situation waiting for you to exhale. Do it now, take the step and let it go!

Photo Credit: Google, Walt Disney


11 responses to “The Beneficence of Maleficent”

  1. Dr Boadum is a truly gifted Man of God. He is also very modern and meets all current waves of human thinking. He has been able through his writings and messges brought life, true sense of living and ownership to us all. Reading his articles helps us to wake up to any false sense of livelihood and pattern our lives.

    Dr, keep up the great work.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thanks Rev. Addo. Be blessed

    2. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thanks Bishop Addo… More Grace

  2. Dr Prince Anyani Boadum Avatar
    Dr Prince Anyani Boadum

    Awesome message, God bless you richly.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thanks and God bless you.

  3. robert agyemang duah Avatar
    robert agyemang duah

    I second what my big brother addo said you can’t read an article of dr without edification and transformation. He is indeed a deep writer and writes on prudent issues that can shape and prun lifes. Dr I salute you this morning may the annointing and the divine mandate keep showering you for the rest of your life.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen and big thanks. Be blessed

  4. What a wonderful and inspiring message. God bless Dr. Pastor prince!

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thanks my sister. Be blessed

  5. Amanda Frimpong Avatar
    Amanda Frimpong

    Woow, It is a deep inspiring message Rev. I am letting go of the pain am habouring. Thank you and more grease to your elbows.I pray for strength for you.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thank you to Amanda. God is our help as we embark on this journey of beneficence.Be blessed

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