I hate to be average
I hate not to be impactful
I mark my years and see my gain
In my sight they appear meager
Yet men speak so highly
And the more I wonder, by what they measure
Again, their praise to others have been their end
And so a deaf ear I turn to these
Anticipating one day, that I may vault over average
I must use the night – my dearest companion
Although a child of light, yet with darkness I stroll
That I may gain while others dream
At night I read that by day I’d lead
At night I pray that by day I’d prophesy
At night I discern that by day I may declare
And yet to these my soul is restive
To which I ask what then seek thee
To this he answers,”That I may know Him” is my primary duty
And should I fail in this and build a thousand mansions, a mega church, a train of schools and mission hospitals
Still my soul laments my loss
Excellence I will strive for – Candor I will maintain
And hope that my diligence meets the season of great reward
Till then my enemy – average and his companions; comfort, complacency and pride, dear Lord, grant me grace to eschew, amen.
Photo credit: Google Images
Comments (3)
a most wonderful piece from a wonderful man of a GREAT GOD
Bishop, this is so powerful and inspirational. Spot on!
A God honoring life full of excellence is our goal. Lord help me. -
Deep and insightful message. A must read message