How Other Christians Are Crossing Over!

Over here, we are crossing over in grand styles. The hype is so malignant that, anyone who is unable to go to church tonight will feel so left out. Yet, while we gloat over our hysterical crossing overs and leaping overs, throwing millions of dollars away in the egoistic displays of humongous billboards, showing off our photoshopped faces and rings, others are paying for a quarter of this Christianity with their lives. Did you know that within a year, about 2000 churches were attacked, 3000 believers imprisoned without trial and over 4000 killed? And all they did was just share the good news of Christ. They had no gigantuan billboards, they dared not erect any even if they had the funds for it. Christianity in some places is almost a secret society, devoid of the overt stupidity that garnishes some of ours here; from smoking weed in church, to drinking water the prophet washed himself with and many more.

Most servants of God here who pride themselves with braggadocious accolades will not survive a day in the hidden tunnels of Christianity in other countries. And there, in these bunkers, tell me dear unrestrained bishop and soi disant prophet, tell me, where you will erect those billboards, and whether you will have time to display your exquisite sense of fashion?

When you are being arrested for simply praying, and many run to hush-pray at the peril of their lives, tell me, dear prophetic commando and spiritual kung-fu master, tell me, whether your days of screaming during prayer wouldn’t stop, and all of a sudden, silent prayers suffice? Tell me dear man of God, who can’t have a simple service without extorting money from poor and struggling folks through the startling effects of prophecy and miracles, whether, in that bunker faced with persecution, you would be asking people to sow the little the have to survive on for an abundance, tell me? And don’t even bother to quote from Elijah and the widow of Zarephath please. Would they not have sacrificed enough of their lives and freedom already, that further financial sacrifice may not be necessary?

Just this Christmas, while we are getting ready to somersault in our crossing overs, over a hundred members of one church elsewhere were arrested and some were imprisoned for ten years. Moreover, ten Christians elsewhere were also beheaded by extremists groups. In these places, believers have less time to be ludicrous with their worship and there they experience another Christianity unlike ours, which doesn’t thrive on money, and excitement with names being called. I dare you, Oh seer! To go and practise your soothsayings there, for there, all you will see and speak will be when next, sister A or brother B will be arrested and jailed. And tell me, whether you can take a seed offering for that prophetic word? 

May our 2020 be devoid of ludicrousness and charlatan christianity. May we seek the true Jesus who died for us and not men. May the world become a better place because of you and me, amen. 

References: Open Doors USA, The Independent (UK), Believer’s Portal


22 responses to “How Other Christians Are Crossing Over!”

  1. Dr. Sarkodie Avatar
    Dr. Sarkodie

    We don’t hear such messages again as was done in the first century church. We thank God they’re are still remnants you Bishop, who will speak it as it is: gospel.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thanks my brother and bishop. You are a true servant of God.

      1. May God help the church of Ghana! The 31st is almost becoming a traditional festival in our part of the world.

        1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

          Bless you

    2. Wow!
      It’s so inspiring and touching
      Thanks for sharing, Best sermon for 31st of December 2019..
      God bless you Bishop
      This Christianity, May God help us.

      1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

        Amen and amen

  2. Bright Obeng Avatar
    Bright Obeng

    Oh God of mercy, bring the Church in Ghana back to where she is supposed to be and flash out those workers of iniquity (fake prophets) who bring shame to Thy Holy Name.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen and amen

  3. Angela Teteki Mireku Avatar
    Angela Teteki Mireku

    The world awaits you my Global Bishop for this pure gospel. God bless you Dr. Boadum

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen Angie… Amen

  4. Bless you Reverend

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen Ohene

  5. Michael Obu- Afful Avatar
    Michael Obu- Afful

    Worth sharing. God bless you Doc. Eschewing religiosity, being true worshippers.

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Blessings Doc

  6. This is what we need in our days. I remember as a missionary in China, I went through diverse persecution. We had to hide in an underground location to have services. One Wednesday evening during our evening Teaching service in China, a group of police with video cameras entered and disrupted the whole service. As the Pastor, God gave me utterance to deal with the situation.
    We didn’t have the luxury of flyers, tv ads, live streaming etc. Bibles were not permitted in public places, let alone evangelizm. I’m saddened by the drama from some of these pastors who have all the freedom to preach the Gospel. The drama must stop!!! Jesus must be preached!!! Souls must be won !!!

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen and amen. What a glorious testimony from you man of God. May God grant us the grace to fulfil all righteousness. Thanks for this contribution

  7. O Lord please ignite our 1st love to get our focus right.
    Your God and my God bless you my Reverend and brother

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen and amen Prophetess Emelia

  8. Nana Ama Amponsah Puplampu Avatar
    Nana Ama Amponsah Puplampu

    Oh Lord show us mercy that we may worship you in truth and in spirit

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Amen and amen Major Nana

  9. Ohenebaboadum Avatar

    Its sad how the word of God has been replaced with ‘’showcase’”souls are being lost each day ..cross over has been a norm for both believers and non believers as said rightly by Rev.
    Bless you Reverend for the eye opener

    1. drohenebaanyaniboadum Avatar

      Thanks. You are welcome Kafui

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