Do worlds come and go? Do nations have expiry dates? I hope they all do. Although it appears an accepted pattern, that those who struggle continue as such, and those who don’t flourish at ease, the sarcasm is that their end is all the same. For while the absence of food causes malnutrition and kills many young children in deprived areas, it’s abundance kills even more people through morbid obesity elsewhere. What life is this? What world is this? Where is the intersect? Though some preach its globalism, others mock its segregation.
While one continent is unable to lift itself up from the venom of venality and corruption, I looked over the horizon for hope, but saw the reflection of misery from another? Led by people who remarkably avoided the appetites of corruption but suffered a form of disintegration of moral astuteness in the interest of political correctness, I watched them throw “moral correctness” to the dogs who sarcastically still kept theirs.
Though the gun man on the last of the rampant killings which plagued their city did not kill by partisan colors, I watched their leaders play the “politricks” of politics with human life. So I cast my gaze back to see if a change of hearts had moved some from servile venality to veneration of human life and equality, but only saw women dying from simple obstruction of labor in remote places where health development never got to but ballot boxes reached. And to those who died, the icy hands of death were not partisan but simply anti-human life.Both worlds suffer human loss for distinct reasons but a common fundamental error; the depreciation of humanity, whose greatest cohesive currency in spite of all differences of religion or race was morality.
Yet life continues unabated, albeit, with a bending spine nearing its expectancy. And whether or not one wishes for it to end does not matter, because soon the spine of the world will break and all will stumble. Just kill yourself then, but no! My life is not mine, and I leave my end to Him who began it, not like some who consider it their legitimate right to end the lives of others because they carry them in their womb – ignoring the blazing truth that they were once carried in another’s womb. The intent of which is unashamedly preached; to “hell” with human life, to “hell” with moral dignity.
The same intent which is behind the fuzz about prohibiting breastfeeding in public places. When a people are comfortable with nudity, nude restaurants, nude parades, women showing of their breasts parts and wearing half-naked-see-through dresses on national television, but are uncomfortable with a woman breastfeeding a baby with little or no breast showing – the answer is simple. It forms part of a bigger plan of fighting against natural processes: breastfeeding, childbirth, marriage and the likes. An attempt at resisting every natural process is on the way and it includes preventing mothers from breastfeeding, revolutionizing traditional marriage in the name of an evolution of understanding as well as the “gospel” of transgender bathrooms.
So I stare in shock, when some speak about Semenya’s gender and her ability to race with women, when their countries have legally cleared transgender people to compete in their newly found sexual orientation’s sports programs. So let’s not talk about male and female again, let’s keep it non-binary like they’re preaching, lets add “other” to gender documents because our understanding about humanity is evolving. Sadly, at this height there still are those in authority in both horizons who choose to exclude morality for concealed absurdity in the name of “rights.” But let’s all be warned, for “hell hath no fury like a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle.”
And to many more absurdities and even unimaginable ones yet to come, bestiality rights [those who prefer animals as sex partners], pedophilia rights [those who prefer children for sex] and the likes, all of which are coming with great haste riding on the back of advocacy rights, I balk and cringe what type of world this will become. And I hope all these systems fail for simple morality, irrespective of one’s religion – for our eternal fates is each person’s business, but we sure can all stand for morality. Else, let this world pass and another begin to which I look forward to, devoid of pain, confusion, abuse, prejudice, self-made evolutionary changes and the hedonistic vices of men.
Photo Credit: Google
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