The Destroyer Shall Be Destroyed!

Have you ever wondered whether that problem will ever end? Whether this huge mountain will disappear? Sometimes we are all overwhelmed by our humanness and the enormity of the problems we face. John writes concerning the fallen one; “He comes to steal, to kill and to destroy…” That is who our enemy is, He is a destroyer, a thief, and a killer [John 10:10].

I’ve seen him kill parents, leaving their young ones as orphans and still unsatisfied, killed infants and left their mother’s breast engorged with milk. I’ve seen him steal the joy of a marriage and paired the once lovebirds as perfect assassins, seeking each other’s life. I’ve seen him destroy the beauty of teamwork which would have resulted in the fulfilment of great destinies. I’ve seen him, cut off anointed servants of God from their destinies as if they were not anointed. I’ve seen him afflict souls, imprison hearts, and perfect the art of decay in a once fruitful land.

But, hey! We have great hope. For everywhere he stole, killed or destroyed, the Lord gave an abundant life there; “But I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” This abundant life the Lord gives begins with destroying the evil hand that resists your success and glory. John the Elder wrote concerning the Lord Jesus our mighty deliverer; “For this purpose, the Son of God came that He will destroy the works of the enemy (destroyer) [1 John 3:8].” Even more so is this lovely scripture from the Prophet Isaiah concerning any destroyer in your life;

“Ah, you destroyer, who yourself have not been destroyed, you traitor, whom none has betrayed! When you have ceased to destroy, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betraying they will betray you [Isaiah 33:1, ESV].”

Is it an incurable sickness, a dying marriage, a hopeless business startup, is it a difficulty in walking right, is it a financial issue, is it a delay in childbirth, is it poor academics, just name it… No matter what it is, that “destroyer” shall be destroyed and the Lord shall restore; “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter… [Joel 2:25, ESV].”

Be comforted… “The Lord is a man of war: the LORD is His name.” [Exo 15:3].

Photo Credit: Time Magazine


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