Category: Sermonette

  • God, You, And The Hysteria of 31st December.

    God, You, And The Hysteria of 31st December.

    This may surprise you, but God may not do anything new on 31st December for you. In Christ, any day could be a special day, so God does not need to wait till new year’s eve before answering your prayer. He has not been waiting since January 1st 2019, to do that remarkable thing for…

  • Too Late to Pray?

    Too Late to Pray?

    Most Christians forget that there would be days in their lives when it will be too late to pray. Able never spoke, but suddenly found his voice after death. But, there was nothing he could then do. It was too late to speak. He had been wasted. Cain killed Abel and still managed to bargain…

  • Drink From Gods Well

    Drink From Gods Well

    I learnt this the hard way; men, even the anointed can only be of help for a brief time. But this is never enough, and you may have to go back again and again to ‘drink’ from them. But if you spend time to seek God for yourself, and ‘drink’ from His well, you’d never…

  • The Destroyer Shall Be Destroyed!

    The Destroyer Shall Be Destroyed!

    Have you ever wondered whether that problem will ever end? Whether this huge mountain will disappear? Sometimes we are all overwhelmed by our humanness and the enormity of the problems we face. John writes concerning the fallen one; “He comes to steal, to kill and to destroy…” That is who our enemy is, He is…

  • The Beneficence of Maleficent

    The Beneficence of Maleficent

    There’s some good in everyone, definitely, and if you doubt the scriptures or yourself, perhaps Disney’s remake of the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” movie titled Maleficent might help… Cast on the premise of an oxymoron; a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction, the beneficence of Maleficent, was the unbelievable twist…