Category: Sermon

  • Heaven May Be Filled With People Who Don’t Talk To Each Other

    Heaven May Be Filled With People Who Don’t Talk To Each Other

    While most believers continue in denial over their inability to keep the commandments of scripture – such as ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself,’ some garnish their failures with the doctrine of Grace – citing it as a vaccine to protect them from their Christian maturity deficiencies [CMD]. Our failure to act as mature believers is…

  • A Dying World, Caster Semenya, And Why I Pray It All Ends.

    A Dying World, Caster Semenya, And Why I Pray It All Ends.

    Do worlds come and go? Do nations have expiry dates? I hope they all do. Although it appears an accepted pattern, that those who struggle continue as such, and those who don’t flourish at ease, the sarcasm is that their end is all the same. For while the absence of food causes malnutrition and kills…

  • It’s Spirit Time

    It’s Spirit Time

    But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. —John 4:23 The present dispensation we find ourselves in is that of the spirit. I will want to encourage everyone reading this to carpe diem this prophetic era in which we are in and…