Author: drohenebaanyaniboadum

  • Too Late to Pray?

    Too Late to Pray?

    Most Christians forget that there would be days in their lives when it will be too late to pray. Able never spoke, but suddenly found his voice after death. But, there was nothing he could then do. It was too late to speak. He had been wasted. Cain killed Abel and still managed to bargain…

  • To Be or Not To Be?

    To Be or Not To Be?

    To be or not to be? To be happy or sad, to be ebullient or doleful, to be passionate or moody? To be or not to be is the quest I set out to seek. It’s the puzzle I needed to solve, the enigma that stared me down to red teary eyes. The proof of…

  • Drink From Gods Well

    Drink From Gods Well

    I learnt this the hard way; men, even the anointed can only be of help for a brief time. But this is never enough, and you may have to go back again and again to ‘drink’ from them. But if you spend time to seek God for yourself, and ‘drink’ from His well, you’d never…

  • Quit Praying and Move

    Quit Praying and Move

    Quit praying and move! Yes! I believe in prayer and the purpose of this is not to discourage prayer at all. The Bible enjoins us to pray always without ceasing. However, there are moments in our lives where having prayed, God is ready to do His next big thing, but waits on us to move…

  • Spiritual Blindness

    Spiritual Blindness

    Anxiety is mostly the product of spiritual blindness. When a person is unable to see beyond this realm into the supernatural where things are controlled, they can become very anxious. But if you can see beyond this veil, or hear from the heavens concerning your situation you can draw faith from that and not be…

  • Let’s Vault Over Average

    Let’s Vault Over Average

    I hate to be average I hate not to be impactful I mark my years and see my gain In my sight they appear meager Yet men speak so highly And the more I wonder, by what they measure Again, their praise to others have been their end And so a deaf ear I turn…

  • The Destroyer Shall Be Destroyed!

    The Destroyer Shall Be Destroyed!

    Have you ever wondered whether that problem will ever end? Whether this huge mountain will disappear? Sometimes we are all overwhelmed by our humanness and the enormity of the problems we face. John writes concerning the fallen one; “He comes to steal, to kill and to destroy…” That is who our enemy is, He is…

  • Heaven May Be Filled With People Who Don’t Talk To Each Other

    Heaven May Be Filled With People Who Don’t Talk To Each Other

    While most believers continue in denial over their inability to keep the commandments of scripture – such as ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself,’ some garnish their failures with the doctrine of Grace – citing it as a vaccine to protect them from their Christian maturity deficiencies [CMD]. Our failure to act as mature believers is…

  • Vault Over Average

    Vault Over Average

    I hate to be average I hate not to be impactful I mark my years and see my gain In my sight they appear meager Yet men speak so highly And the more I wonder, by what they measure Again, their praise to others have been their end And so a deaf ear I turn…

  • The Evangelical Bargain

    The Evangelical Bargain

    All throughout the U.S elections and campaign you’d see evangelical Christians prophesying and praying over Donald Trump. Their hearts were for him, they’d galvanize church members and fellow evangelicals to affirm him come election day. I even heard one renowned preacher say to an interview hosts; “This is not an ordinary election, it is a…