Author: drboadum
It’s Spirit Time
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. —John 4:23 The present dispensation we find ourselves in is that of the spirit. I will want to encourage everyone reading this to carpe diem this prophetic era in which we are in and…
Leave the Basket
When man fell to sin, darkness began to rise in the heart of man. Even though men were dark and filled with evil God sent His Son Jesus Christ as a gift to bring into our lives His light. God’s light forms the base of every new man in Christ hence we have a duty…
God has not Finished with You
When God has not finished with you, men can’t conclude on you. It will be to their detriment if they dare!
Ask God not Google!
The answers to your life’s purpose cannot be found on Google! It’s in God! Ask God not Google!
Pray and Seek God
Of all life’s quests and its epoch, from our birth to our death, all are predictable except the quest of Prayer and Seeking God!