But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.
—John 4:23
The present dispensation we find ourselves in is that of the spirit. I will want to encourage everyone reading this to carpe diem this prophetic era in which we are in and migrate from the dependency on men to the dependency of the Spirit. Several times, many Christians with issues are unable to persevere in prayer and keep moving from prophets to prophets, church to church, prayer camp to prayer camp, in search for answers. Some become overly dependent on men of God that they are unable to pursue God for themselves in any other venture. Paul writes in Romans 8:14; “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.” Not those led by men and prophets! It’s time to relate to God in a deeper and better way – through His Spirit, whiles we attenuate our carnal dependence on men.
God’s relationship with men has evolved over the centuries with distinct protocols for each dispensation. These protocols are the set of rules by which we can enter into the presence of God and invite Him into ours. To date, four dispensational relationships have taken place, and we are still experiencing the fourth and final earthly dispensational relationship.
The first dispensational relationship was unique, because it was the first time God was going to interact with His people, and therefore He preferred to do it Himself. Yes, God chose to relate to men by Himself [and through angels also]. He seldom sent human messengers, but was seen in several places of scripture where He showed Himself to and visited His people in person. While some saw parts of His spiritual body, His face and even His back parts, others sat at table to eat with Him, some also washed His feet and one guy was able to out wrestle Him in a match. He could be seen because that’s how He chose to relate to men.
However, with man’s fall and subsequent loss of intimacy with God, this “God-man” interactions became minimal with very few preferential exceptions, such as in the case of Jacob, Moses and others. Nevertheless, after Moses’ death a new dispensational relationship was birthed.
Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died… And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days. But since then there has not risen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.
—Deuteronomy 34:7-8,10
After Moses died, God changed His way of relationship with men. He didn’t strive to reveal Himself facially or bodily to men anymore. Although, there were sporadic appearances of Him (and angels sometimes), God had moved into a new method of relating to men through some chosen men; The Prophets.
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets…
—Hebrews 1:1
The second dispensational relationship was the time of the prophets. These were the moments of dependency on men, and people couldn’t have much success without the prophets’ involvement and direction. Battles were decided by the mouth of the prophet as debts were also paid by their directions. This was the time of great dependence on men, however it also gave way to another dispensation which in my opinion is the most significant; “The dispensation of the Son.”
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son.
—Hebrews 1:1-2
God decided to relate to us through His Son Jesus, and that was the most critical relationship. Because, Jesus Christ was the only man who could satisfy the requirements of the law to create the necessary ambience for the coming in of God’s Holy Spirit, which is the fourth and final earthly dispensational relationship. This, He perfectly did in Samaria, when she said to the woman at Jacob’s well, “Neither on this mountain [in Samaria], nor in Jerusalem…But the hour is coming and now is when true worshippers shall worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.”
Brethren, by these words, the Son of God abolished every sentiment and preference of orientation to persons and special places. There are no special ministers and there are no special places. The emphasis of this final earthly dispensation is in Spirit and in Truth, not in Jerusalem or Samaria, and not to Jews or Samaritans, but to all. For the Father seeks a people of the Spirit, not a particular race or tribe. Your breakthrough is not tied to an organized church trip to Israel or South Africa to see a very powerful man of God. Your breakthrough is in the Spirit. It’s Spirit Time!
Listen to the full four-part series of this message under the sermon section.
God bless you.
Stay in the spirit!
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